
it's a sister thing...

so my sister,
for her "about me" section on facebook
has this:
"i make mistakes.
im out of control
&at times hard to handle.
but if you cant handle me at my worst,,
then you sure as heck dont deserve me at my best."
and im always impressed!
that she put a warning label on her fb profile
yet people are still friends with her.
thats just how awesome she is!!

it always makes me think about what i would say
about myself, if i had such a label...

probably something like this:
"i am radical,
im blind-sighted
& always have words for everything,
but if the worst of me is all you see,,
then you'll never know me at my best."
hmmm.... not as threatening.... x)


i think this deserves some recognition...

ang pamilya ko!

the kids i chill with.
lolo arvin, jay james, and mac.
is it sad that i love them??

my handsome younger bro, jay. and beautiful sister grizel.
jay is an amazing drummer. and grizel rocks at keyboards.
my family is so talenteddd!

pelikoy! or abel jr. he's my baby brother. our bunso!
the cutessst boy i ever did meet.
and he worships like an angel!

silly kids. pelikoy, lolo, and mac. some of my favorites..
if i had any. sometimes i think everyones my favorite because i have so many!

daryll, grizel, jay, lolo arvin.
i loveeeee this picture of them!
because it describes them SOOOO well.
this is them at their best!
going home on a pedicab... away from meeeee. wahh! ):

this lovely lady to my left is momma gomez.
it's official. i am a gomez. i look strange, but maganda ang nanay ko!
and the cuties to my right are my dfic sisters. tooooo cute for words!

ze youth. you can see jay with his killer smile. what cuties! (:
i love them ALLLLLL!


tapos na?

i know that God answers prayers.
He's answered every single one of mine.

this trip,

i've SEEN things i hadn't seen before.
that were there all along
that i had been too distracted to see before.
the work that God is doing in all parts of the world.
that my sisters and brothers in the philippines
are my family.
not just acquaintances
or people i will see just once or twice.

i've LEARNED to love,
to accept,
to be hospitable, compassionate, patient...
what it looks like to love and serve
as Jesus did.

and sick. and afflicted.
and also restored. healed.
cleansed. purified.

i've DEPENDED on Jesus.
clung to him like none other.
praying through anything that comes my way...

i've LOVED first.
and foremost.
and deeeeeeeeeeply.
and not only did i love.
but i am still loving.

that it can't end here.
i don't want this to be a post-mission high.
but a life change.
it's not enough to feel these things.
and realize and learn.
but its important what i DO
with what i learn and feel and realize...

please answer this prayer.
that i will walk with you daily.
and live by faith, hope, and LOVE.
and all these things i've felt and learned
will be as real to me every day from here on out
as they are to me today.

so i lift my eyes to you, Lord.
in your strength will i break through, Lord.
touch me now.
let your love fall down on me.
i know your love dispells all my fears.
through the storm i will hold on, Lord.
and by faith i will walk on, Lord.
then i'll see beyond my calvary one day.
and i will be complete in you.

Jesus, please complete me.
continue the work you've begun in me.
and see me through it alll.
continue to renew my mind,
inside and out, every day.
may i always and forever desire you as my everything.
and may i never forget the gifts you've given me
may i never take anything you give me for granted.
may i always remember.
and though this year's trip to the philippines is over.
may this only be the beginning.

tapos na? hindi.